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Not found when trying to get auth token

When I am using the curl request form the docs (with my own credentials) curl --location --request POST --url '<>' --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"audience": "<">, "grant_type": "client_credentials", "client_id": "$clientid", "client_secret": "$clientsecret"}' I get "Not found" as a response. I am also not sure what to use for "audience". Also, on a side note, are my client id and secrete supposed to be the same string? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

500 ERROR (urgent)

Hi, As suggested in your ERROR documentation, I've sent the below to [email protected] but now I see not anyone has access to post into that Group. So I hope here it will be sorted quickly, because we seem to cancel our ETH Prague demo due to this delay. While I was started testing the integration, I get the following as response: (Ignore the Collection lines pls) • Status code500 • HeadersArray • 1Collection • NamedateValueMon, 05 Jun 2023 00:21:13 GMT • 2Collection • Namecontent-typeValueapplication/json • 3Collection • Namecontent-lengthValue36 • 4Collection • NameconnectionValueclose • 5Collection • Namex-amzn-requestidValue5255d170-d7bd-473e-8ef4-ac8dddefc588 • 6Collection • Namex-amzn-errortypeValueInternalServerErrorException • 7Collection • Namex-amz-apigw-idValueGBOTEHQkCYcFTfQ= • 8Collection • Namecf-cache-statusValueDYNAMIC • 9Collection • Namereport-toValue{"endpoints":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/report\/v3?s=YLRSgaRfvb1Zobday3ihjXk%2BDXxw0e9KhGyq1J0Y5T4hbX8VqmZModJuUKx18ts4CBa6IO%2BbZc8zE09OkYTFfMoVgZ%2FXwlmRNm4us22Hoy9x1QNjF9Y2XpZ15kj7wnxk"}],"group":"cf-nel","max_age":604800} • 10Collection • NamenelValue{"success_fraction":0,"report_to":"cf-nel","max_age":604800} • 11Collection • NameserverValuecloudflare • 12Collection • Namecf-rayValue7d244116eb7c34bf-DUB • 13Collection • Namealt-svcValueh3=":443"; ma=86400 Is there anything I can do to fix it urgently?

Check token claim status without api key

Is it possible to check a token's claim status without authentication? Since it seems to me that I can only use the claim-qr endpoint by providing the api key that was used to create the event. It would be quite a hassle to have to securely keep track of everyones api key. However, I might be missing something.

Requesting expedited access to POAP API

Hello, I'm one of the co-founders at LearnWeb3 (<>) - a leading web3 education platform. We would like to build on top of the POAP API - primarily to fetch POAPs owned by the users and filter and highlight ones that are relevant to our developer audience. For example, winner POAPs from ETHGlobal Hackathons, attending conferences like ETHDenver, and so on. We requested an API Key yesterday, but have a launch coming up very soon so just wanted to pop in here and ask if it was possible to get expedited access. We don't need an Auth token right now as we don't foresee creating any POAP events anytime soon - just the API key - but maybe we request that later. Thank you!

Getting 403 for any request through Nodejs

Tried on <>, everything worked out fine. When running the same code on my machine, I'm getting the following result. ``` res: Response { size: 0, timeout: 0, [Symbol(Body internals)]: { body: [Gunzip], disturbed: true, error: null }, [Symbol(Response internals)]: { url: '', status: 403, statusText: 'Forbidden', headers: [Headers], counter: 0 } } ```

Paginated API Time Contraints

It appears that older events are not showing up under paginated events. I wanted to ask if there is a certain date limit on this endpoint or if there is perhaps a bug? Here is an event ID for reference 35010, this event is NOT being returned when calling the paginated events end point and we are unsure as to why

Is it possible to maje the POAP NFT non-tranferable for an Event?

Is it possible to maje the POAP NFT non-tranferable for an Event? Albeit the NFT are collectables the Proof of attendance shouldn't in some cases, like trainings and so. Is it possible to create an event where tokens are non-tranferable. Maybe the user can only burn them. Many thanks, Juan

Are Events recorded in the chain?

I see some answers that point to the fact that Events are themselves recorded in the blockchain network, I guess under their own smartcontract. Are they recorded? Is is possible to use a block explorer to locate the creation? or a function in an smartcontract to query their existence? May thanks, Juan REFERENCES: Can I update the event image? Can event metadata be changed? Yes, you can change the event name, description, country, city, start date, end date, expire date, and URL. The only items that cannot be changed are the image and on-chain values (eg: Address, token ID, event ID). Does the API support all POAPs on all chains? No, at the moment the events can only be created and claimed on Gnosis chain. If you want the data for mainnet, Polygon, or L2s then you will need to index it. However, there is partial support for mainnet data. For example if you are looking up POAPs held by an address or a specific token ID, the API will indicate if it’s on Gnosis or mainnet.

API keys tied to an email

Hi, I currently have access to API keys but they tied to my developer's email address. How do I change this to my email address? thanks Branson

Are there Hooks to listen to when data is updated?

Hi I had a quick question, I noticed off chain data such as event name or description can be modified. I would like to know if there are any webhooks or events emitted which one can listen on to?