Technical Support
Secret word not found. 404
I created a test POAP with a secret claim word.
I activate the POAP and am able to successfully claim it via iOS.
Retrieving POAPs created by a particular entity
Is there a way I could find out all the POAPs issued by a particular person/organization? Maybe based on their wallet address or some other unique identifier?
I looked at all the methods in the API but can't seem to work out how to go about it.
CORS error accessing POAP API
403 Forbidden
Hi, when I try to use my recently acquired API Key, I just get a 403 Forbidden error message
403 Error
I have just acquired an API key and I'm getting 403 as response.
403 Forbidden
I have just acquired an API key and I'm getting 403 as response.
How to check status of created Event?
Hello, is there any API or way to check the status of created Event(Drop through events "" API [HTTP:POST])
403 Forbidden Access
Hi, I recently just obtained an API key. However, when I use the available endpoints such as and others, I receive a 403 forbidden response. Seems like a permission issue on the API key?
Why this endpoint doesnt work?
When i try yo mint a poap by Secret word it's always says 'Secret not found' but if i try to mint the poap on mobile app with same secret word it's works.
403 when accessing protected endpoint with access token
I successfully obtained an access token from Auth0 and am now trying to access the following protected endpoint, but am getting a 403: